
Javascript is the computer language that the Internet is written in, and it is the most popular scripting language on the Internet. It is used to add interactivity to one's page. Javascripts can be set to activate when specific events happen, as well as read and change the content of a HTML element. It also detects the user's browser so that it is able to load pages designed specifically for the browser, and lastly it can create cookies, working to store and retrieve information on the visitor's computer.

Any small application that stands alone and performs one specific task is an applet, sometimes running within the context of a program that is larger. Applets allow most of the functions of a Java application but removes the need for separate downloading and installation. What applets usually do is add small, interactive components or enhancements on a webpage. The amazing portability of Java applets is what makes it ideal for use on the World Wide Web, as it can run on many different operating systems and browsers.

An Internet filter is a software tool that helps monitor web content viewed on a particular computer or network.When we think of filters, we think of an item that prevents certain things from passing through, and that is somewhat similar to what Internet filters do. Internet filters search for certain features within the content of a webpage and instructs the system to act with regards to the content. It can block out the page entirely or certain features on the page. Business, educational institutes and even parents can apply filters to block websites or programs that they do not want their employees, students, or children to gain access to.

A software module that adds to the functionality of an application are called plug-ins. Applications such as Photoshop, Firefox, and Internet Explorer are examples of applications that use plug-ins. Plug-ins create capabilities which extends an application's functionality for third-party developers, support new features, reducing the size of applications, as well as separate source codes from an application because of incompatible software licenses.
Internet Security Suite

As the name implies, an Internet Security Suite is basically the security system of the internet. Firewalls, antivirus programs, antispyware programs are examples of Internet Security Suites. What these do is to block the user from accessing content that may be harmful to the computer. It is also able to detect harmful objects in the computer and eliminate them to keep the computer functioning at optimum levels.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

For storage and transfer of files over the internet, FTP is needed. FTP is an important part of everyday life for people whose business involve large numbers of files to transfer over the internet and find e-mail or the web unable to handle their needs.
WikiTo easily create and edit any number of interlinked webpages via a web browser using a simplified a simplified mark-up language or a WYSIWYG text editor, one can use a wiki, which is a website that allows this. Wikis are sites that is a collection of information easily edited by the community.

A Uniform Resource Locator, otherwise known as the URL, is the unique address of a file that is accessible through the Internet. It is exclusive to itself as no 2 web pages share the same URL.
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